Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
Program Information
(Also known as Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance)
Rental Assistance
- Rental assistance is based on total gross household income and household composition.
- All HCV program participants are required to report complete and accurate information pertinent to the determination of rental assistance.
- Most families generally pay 30% - 40% of their monthly income toward rent.
- The contract rent of the unit selected must fall within the Housing Authority's established payment standards.
- Renting from relatives is strictly prohibited unless provisions are made to accommodate an elderly or disabled household.
- Applicants must meet the qualifications of a family as defined by HUD.
- An elderly or disabled individual may qualify as a single person family.
- Rental assistance is provided exclusively for those individuals listed on the lease. No one shall reside in the unit without prior approval from the owner and the Housing Authority.
- Applicants must be United States citizens or fall under a specified category or non-citizen with eligible immigration status.
Housing Quality Standards
- Program participants select their own housing.
- The size of the dwelling unit must meet the needs of the family. Occpancy standards limit two persons per bedroom.
- Inspections are conducted on all assisted rental units prior to lease up and on a bi-annual basis thereafter to ensure decent, safe, and sanitary housing.
Lease Term
- Rental assistance may be transferred to another location that administers a Voucher Program
- Program participation within our jurisdiction is required for at least one year prior to relocating through portability.
- After the family has been a program participant in SEIRHA's jurisdiction for at least one year, rental assistance may be transfered to another location that administers a tenant-based HCV Program. Certain restrictions may apply.
Denial or Termination of Assistance
- Housing Assistance will be denied or terminated for failure to fulfill family obligations or comply with program regulations.
- Knowingly and willingly reporting false information in order to obtain rental assistance constitutes FRAUD and will not be tolerated.
- Housing Assitance is imediately denied or teminated for the following:
Lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender program
Drug-related and / or violent criminal activity